Transitus Awards Food Recovery Network a grant and in kind match for technical support on an innovative new campus project in Columbus, OH.
It's never to early!
It is never too early to think about how you can make an impact on sustainability. Students from Ohio State’s Food Recovery Network are reimagining the food waste on college Campuses. The Food Recovery Network has over 230 chapters across 46 states and DC. The chapters collectively have recovered more that 4 million pounds of food.
Danny Freudiger, PHD student at the Ohio State University and president of Smart Campus said “It’s time we find a way for sustainable energy to meet sustainable food systems. We want to design a platform that integrates our practices here at Ohio State with the sustainable transportation modalities that we are exploring in other departments on campus.
Mike Fackler and TJ Kirby, Leaders of the Food Recovery Network in Columbus collaborated with Mr. Freudiger on a proposal that won the support of Engie (ENGQF) and in kind technical support from the team at Transitus.
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